Emma Gelderblom

Emma Gelderblom

MSc Student

University of Pretoria

The most important goal for plants, even more important than the efficiency of photosynthesis, is its survival. The biggest danger for plants lies in fluctuating environments. Therefore, plants need to be able to photosynthesize in a wide range of different environments. This is also integral for the efficiency of solar-powered energy. My Masters project aims to further understand the intricasies of photosynthesis by researching carotenoids, a pigment integral to photosynthesis and protection of the organism, that we have previously been unable to research due to low fluorescence yield. This will be done by intensifying the signal using plasmonic nanoparticles, which is also currently a very exciting field of research. By deepening our understanding of photosynthesis we are coming closer to developing bio-inspired technology to improve the efficiency of solar-powered energyThe most important goal for plants, even more important than the efficiency of photosynthesis, is its survival. The biggest danger for plants lies in fluctuating environments. Therefore, plants need to be able to photosynthesize in a wide range of different environments. This is also integral for the efficiency of solar-powered energy. My Masters project aims to further understand the intricasies of photosynthesis by researching carotenoids, a pigment integral to photosynthesis and protection of the organism, that we have previously been unable to research due to low fluorescence yield. This will be done by intensifying the signal using plasmonic nanoparticles, which is also currently a very exciting field of research. By deepening our understanding of photosynthesis we are coming closer to developing bio-inspired technology to improve the efficiency of solar-powered energy.

  • Single-molecule spectroscopy
  • Metallic plasmonic nanoparticles
  • Protective mechanisms of photosynthetic organisms
Education & Experience
  • MSc in Physics, 2023–present

    University of Pretoria

  • BSc (Hons) in Physics, 2023

    University of Pretoria