Student Projects

Luke Ugwuoke (PhD, 2020): “Local spectroscopic properties of certain plasmonic and plexcitonic systems”

Bertus van Heerden (MSc, 2020): “’n Ondersoek na enkeldeeltjie-nasporingsmetodes vir fotosintetiese komplekse”

Farooq Kyeyune (PhD, 2019): “Single molecule spectroscopy on photosynthetic light-harvesting complexes”

Stephen Brookes (Hons, 2019): “Implementation of real-time auto-refocussing into a confocal microscope”

Johann Smith (Hons, 2019): “Investigating the effects of constrained protein motion on the fluorescence blinking behavior of light-harvesting complex II.”

Alexander Paradzah (PhD, 2018): “Resolving ultrafast dynamics of photoexcited plant antennas and hematite nanostructures”

Huzifa Elnour (PhD, 2018): “Spectroscopy and control of ultrafast energy dynamics in natural light–harvesting complexes”

Justin Harrison (MSc, 2018): “Investigating electron-transfer processes of supramolecular donor-acceptor complexes using femtosecond transient absorption spectroscopy”

Bertus van Heerden (Hons, 2018): “Investigation of Fluorescence Intensity and Lifetime Dynamics of Single LHCII Complexes”

Carrie-Anne Rubidge (Hons, 2018): “Coherent control in light-harvesting complex II”

Johanette Staats (Hons, 2018): “Intensity dynamics of single light-harvesting complexes from cryptophyte algae”

Marissa Boshoff (Hons, 2018): “A comparative study of plasmonic-enhanced fluorescence of the main plant light-harvesting complex induced by gold nanostructures”

Sifiso Mpapane (Hons, 2018): “Calculating and measuring the size and other properties of apertured laser beams”

Asmita Singh (MSc, 2017): “Illuminating the ultrafast excited state dynamics of protein-bound carotenoids in plants”


Joshua Botha (MSc, 2016): “Using single molecule spectroscopy to study fast photoprotective processes in plants”


Ashton Dingle (Hons, 2014): “Determining the Energy Pathways in Light Harvesting Complex II using Femtosecond Laser Techniques at Two Excitation Wavelengths”


Towan Nöthling (MSc, 2016): “Exciton Dynamics in Photosynthetic Molecular Aggregates”
